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Adult Therapy at MindWell NYC


Are You Feeling Sad, Stuck, Or Really Stressed?

Adult Therapy

Do you feel unsatisfied or lost? Is it difficult for you to control your emotions or certain behaviors? Perhaps you know that you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, interpersonal relationships or an eating disorder, and you feel isolated, ashamed or frustrated. It might be that you’re in the midst of a crisis or significant life transition, feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about what to do next. Or maybe you don’t know why you feel so bad, and you’re criticizing yourself and feeling increasingly disconnected from the world around you. Do you wish you could feel fulfilled, relaxed and happy, knowing that everything will be okay?

Feeling overwhelmed by emotions in the present, regrets over the past, and uncertainty about the future can be a frustrating, confusing, and deeply unsettling experience. It might be that you spend most of your time ruminating about what you wish you did differently or fixated on all that can go wrong in the future. Maybe you’re seeking relief from difficult emotions by engaging in behaviors that you know aren’t good for you, but can’t seem to stop. You might feel wired or tired all the time, or vacillate between the two. Perhaps you believe that you’re not meeting your professional potential or creating healthy relationships, and you wonder what you’re doing wrong. Or, maybe eating and body image issues have you constantly berating and comparing yourself, never satisfied by what you see in the mirror. Regardless of what’s coming up for you specifically, you might long to feel better—content, whole, and alive—but also feel somewhat helpless, a little hopeless, and most certainly stuck.


Ready To Begin Healing With MindWell NYC?


You Are Not Alone

Even in a place as big and active as New York City, so many people feel isolated and alone, especially when dealing with anxiety, depression, and eating and relationship issues. Whether people are talking about it or not, we all bump up against challenges and experience struggles and periods of uncertainty throughout our lives. And, many of us suffer in silence, feeling ashamed and isolated and not seeking help.

New York City is amazing in many ways, but it can also prompt stress and disconnection. With high expectations, intense competition, a high cost of living, and pressure to achieve, many New Yorkers struggle with at least baseline levels of anxiety, bouts of depression, perfectionistic ideals, body image issues and/or disordered eating, underlying anger, and difficulties relaxing. In the city that never sleeps, bombarded by constant stimulation and cultural messaging, we work hard with little time to just be. And, amongst 10 million people, we can still feel disconnected, unsatisfied, and uncertain about what the future holds for us. Add to that an unstable market and an ongoing undercurrent of political, social, and environmental strain, and it’s no surprise that many people are experiencing fear, isolation, and doubt.

The good news is that even if you are feeling depleted, or on edge, it is possible for you to discover what you need to feel contented, confident, connected, and clear. An experienced, compassionate, and skilled therapist can help you work through confusion and distress, connect with your purpose, and tap into the insights and strengths needed to make empowered, thoughtful changes in your life.

Adult Therapy Provides You With Skills, Support, And The Tools You Need To Excel

In a break from the stress of the city, MindWell NYC provides you with a safe, nonjudgmental space to talk about anything and everything. Our team of highly skilled and trained therapists offers the genuine guidance and support, evidence-based approaches, and practical skills needed to work through current issues and develop solutions to move forward. We believe that collaboration is key, and we will work in tandem with you to create a therapy plan that best addresses and supports your unique values, history, needs, and therapy goals.

Therapy For Adults

In adult therapy sessions, your MindWell NYC therapist can help you identify and address the points of distress in your life. Whether taking a depression therapy, anxiety therapy, or eating disorder treatment focus—depending on your specific needs—your psychotherapist will help you connect to the present moment and clarify where you are now and where you want to be. Essentially, the focus is on identifying what it is that you need to do to feel better. Your therapist will help you with problem-solving and developing actionable, practical, and effective steps that you can use in any environment in your life.

Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), your therapist can help you make sense of your current experience and address unproductive thoughts and behaviors. As you develop a heightened awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, you can make changes based on what’s important to you and what you want to cultivate in your life. 

In adult counseling sessions, you and your therapist will also focus on identifying and building on strengths and resources, setting both short and long-term goals, taking actionable steps toward defined goals, and celebrating successes. Through this work, you can develop a better understanding of what you are good at and learn how to best utilize those strengths. Through the adult therapy process, you can learn to live in line with your true values.

As well-educated, thoughtful, cutting-edge, and innovative therapists in NYC, we understand, both professionally and personally, feelings of disconnection, uncertainty, and anxiety. We also know that there is a path forward for everyone. Regardless of the needs, insecurities, compulsive behaviors, or frustrating thoughts you’re struggling with, with trusted support and a willingness to learn new skills, you can affect change in your life. It is possible to get to know yourself better, build resiliency, and live with more confidence, clarity, and ease.

You still may have questions or concerns about counseling for adults at MindWell NYC…

-I’m so busy and approaching burnout, but don’t know how to fit weekly adult therapy sessions into my packed schedule. It’s not uncommon—especially in NYC—for people to sacrifice their mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing in an attempt to prioritize other responsibilities. But, this persistence toward perfectionism inevitably leads to burnout and compounds issues, worries, and fears. In individual therapy sessions—in which you can step away from the noise of the city and dedicate a much-needed hour to yourself—your therapist can help you let go, recharge, and problem-solve. You can develop mindful, practical strategies that allow you to use your time more effectively. A small investment of your time can lead to great rewards.


What To Learn More?

-We all experience bad times and personal challenges. Why can’t I figure this out on my own? As people, we are meant to live and learn in community and there are times when we all need support and help. And sometimes, an outside, objective perspective can illuminate a new, more effective way of thinking and behaving. For instance, if you need help with financial issues, you consult an accountant; if you break a bone, you visit a doctor. Your mental health is no different. With fresh eyes on a problem, you can work through pressing issues and reach personal and professional goals with greater ease.

-I’m not sure that anything is going to make much of a difference at this point. Does therapy really help? Like anything in life, you get out of therapy what you put in. If you’re open to taking healthy risks, making empowered changes, and taking the action needed to live in accordance with your values, anything becomes possible. Our job is to help you identify where you are and where you want to go. Your job is to put what you learn into action. We know that change is possible. We also know that change often starts with small steps. There is always hope and help and you can take the first step.

You Can Live With More Confidence, Vitality, And Ease

You don’t have to continue feeling isolated, trying to make sense of uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and behaviors on your own. If you’re seeking anxiety therapy, depression therapy, eating disorder treatment, or simply want and need help moving forward in New York City, we invite you to call our office at 646-809-5440. We’re happy to discuss your specific needs and goals and answer any questions you have about adult therapy in NYC and our practice.


You Deserve The Best Care From The Leading Therapy Group